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I just picked up the Behringer UMC204HD (app $80). Incredibly low latency and superb audio with the MIDAS preamps. The driver is difficult to find as it's under "software" not "drivers." Below is a direct link link to my google drive.
Driver can be found on page 8 in "Downloads" on the Behringer site.
Alternate(my google drive) Behringer UMC204HD DRIVER "DIRECT" DOWNLOAD:
Behringer UM2 (low cost alternative). I've had good results with this card. However, I don't believe it is well shielded as it uses a plastic case. Also, there is no independent headphone volume control. It is tied to the main output pot requiring an interrupt or power down of your speakers if plugged into the back output jacks. It does produce low latency when used with the asio driver below. This card with the ASIO driver does not have a control panel for adjustment of the buffers. It is reliable, solid and affordable with this driver.
Mackie Onyx Artist. This has been a very good card over the past few years. I use this on the Anan G2 standalone as an interface between the rack and the rig. One drawback is the lack of a "mix" control but is clean and works well!
Mackie Onyx Artist DRIVER DOWLOAD:

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